The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge 

Illustration du poème “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

Illustration of my favourite poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

Peinture à l'huile sur toile illustrant le célèbre poème de Samuel Taylor Coleridge : The Rime of The Ancient Mariner
Le bateau fantôme - The ghostly boat sailing over the ocean
“A little distance from the prow
Those crimson shadows were:
I turned my eyes upon the deck—
Oh, Christ! what saw I there!

Each corse lay flat, lifeless and flat,
And, by the holy rood!
A man all light, a seraph-man,
On every corse there stood."

Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Rime of The Ancient Mariner contemporary illustration oil painting on canvas- The crew is haunted by the soul of the dead albatross
Le spectre vengeur de l'albatros - The soul of the slain albatross

“Like one, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And having once turned round walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.”

Les fantômes de ses frères décédés hantent le vieux marin qui assassina l'albatros - Illustration contemporaine huile sur toile de The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Coleridge
Les âmes des défunts hantent le vieux marin - The crew's haunting souls

“And I had done a hellish thing,
And it would work 'em woe:
For all averred, I had killed the bird
That made the breeze to blow.
Ah wretch! said they, the bird to slay,
That made the breeze to blow!”

“The souls did from their bodies fly,—
They fled to bliss or woe!
And every soul, it passed me by,
Like the whizz of my cross-bow!”

“I woke, and we were sailing on
As in a gentle weather:
'Twas night, calm night, the moon was high;
The dead men stood together.”

“All fixed on me their stony eyes,
That in the Moon did glitter.”

“I saw a third—I heard his voice:
It is the Hermit good!
He singeth loud his godly hymns
That he makes in the wood.
He'll shrieve my soul, he'll wash away
The Albatross's blood.”

Le Grimoire de Sorcellerie – The Book of Witchcraft

Le Livre des Sorciers 

The Book of Sorcerers

The book of witchcraft and sorcerers - Wooden Notebook - medieval wood cover
Grimoire de remèdes - Book of spells and ancient remedies

Couverture en poirier incrusté de lierre séché et de cuivre. Peinture à la gouache, écriture à la plume.

Cover in pear tree wood with copper and dried ivy inlays. Gouache paint and quill writing.

      De tout temps la sorcellerie a fait couler de l’encre. Et pas seulement, me direz-vous… Royaume des sorcières et sorciers, elle est associée au « mal » dans l’inconscient collectif, à tel point que la tendance moderne du « politiquement correct » a engendré le concept propre de magie « blanche », la magie qui ne fait de mal à personne…

    En réalité, la sorcellerie est un héritage, une subsistance de rituels et de connaissances préexistantes, telles que par exemple le druidisme en Europe, ou le chamanisme aux Amériques, imprégnés des conversions religieuses, forcées par la suite dans ces territoires. Un témoin éloquent de cette étrange mixture se retrouve dans la légende arthurienne : d’un côté Merlin, le druide sorcier des temps anciens, de l’autre, la quête du graal, objet représentatif du symbolisme chrétien s’il en est…

    Revenons-en à notre grimoire.
    Que contient-il celui-ci, au fait ? De la magie, des sorts bien sûr, principalement à base de plantes, de décoctions et d’interprétation des signes que produit la nature. Oui la nature et les animaux nous parlent et c’est bien ainsi ;0)

    Witchcraft has always been a polemic subject. Realm of witches and sorcerers, it gets commonly associated to Evil in collective consciousness. To such a point that the modern trend of praising political correctness led to create the concept of “White Magic” the magic that does no harm…

    In fact, witchcraft is neither good nor bad it is the inheritance of ancient rituals and believes anterior to monotheistic religions, which later considered that any shifting from their dogmas had to be “wrong”. Take the ancestral practices of shamans or druids categorized altogether in the “pagan” bad lot.

    In some cases, pagan beliefs were “assimilated”, half-digested by the later religion in place, giving birth to interesting hybrids such as the Arthurian Legends, where Sorcerer Merlin incarnates “the old world”, while the grail remains one of the most vivid Christian symbols.

    So in the end, what does this ancient book contain? Magic and spells for sure, mostly derived from plant mixtures and natural signs interpretation – Yes, nature and animals speak their own language. Discover what they say.

Le grimoire de sorcellerie : pour pénétrer le monde magique il vous faudra passer la porte des secrets. Soyez brave !
The Book of Witchcraft : La porte des secrets - The Door of secrets
Qui prétend magie trouver, dois la porte des secrets traverser…

Thou who magic shalt find, must the door of secrets defy…
The Book of Witchcraft : magic herbs that will be used to cook remedies and spells have to be plucked in secret places that once belonged to humans
La lande des herbes magiques - The moor of magical herbs

Les plantes magiques se récoltent dans des endroits cachés, oubliés des hommes qui les ont autrefois habités.

Magic herbs that will be used to cook remedies and spells have to be plucked in secret places that once belonged to humans.

Mom, are you sure about this one? Says George

La Forêt Magique Chapitre 2 – The Magical Forest Chapter 2

La Forêt Magique - Les arbres sacrés

The Magical Forest - The Sacred Trees

La forêt magique, les arbres magiques des croyances ancestrales celtes et druidiques : l'orme le soigneur
The Elm Tree: the Healer - L'orme, le guérisseur

So the dump was gone, cleaned up and the place purified. It retrieved its ancient shine. But now the forest had to grow and prosper for the future, so with the power of belief in natural strength and potential, I started to create the protectors of the sanctuary.

Le hêtre : le gardien - The Beech Tree: the Watcher

Painted on a beech tree, one of the seven sacred trees of the Druids, the Watcher ensured to let in the woods only the animals, the wilderness and the pacific souls.

Le gardien par Laure Guymont - L'orme sacré des druides
The Beech Tree: the Watcher - Le hêtre : le gardien

Interestingly enough, when I finished the creation of the Watcher and took the picture, a natural haze appeared, captured by the camera, as if a supernatural spirit was watching already.

Nature art by Laure Guymont : painting the trees in the magical forest
L'esprit du gardien - The Watcher's Spirit

L'orme, le guérisseur - The Elm Tree: the Healer

Nature art by Laure Guymont : painting the sacred trees of the forest - druidic ritual
The Elm Tree: the Healer - L'orme, le guérisseur

A dreadful disease has decimated half of the elm trees of the woods in France for more than fifty years. The elms at the entry of the magical forest were touched. Elms incarnate wisdom and spirituality. It was my duty to attempt healing them. I thus prepared a mix of white wash, copper sulphate, oil and plants, and brushed it on the sick trunks.
Once the mixture dried, I painted the Healer whose fearful face will frighten off parasites and future attacks.

L'arbre de vie des celtes - The Celtic Tree of Life

L'art nature et animiste de Laure Guymont : l'arbre de vie au coeur de la forêt magique
L'arbre de vie celte - The Celtic Tree of Life

The Celts believed the branches and roots of trees to enliven the cycle of life. Once the proper stones selected, at the bottom of hazelnut trees, old elms, beeches, ashes and a great alder, all of them sacred, I painted the potent symbol.

Le chemin blanc de la paix - The White Path of Peace

Le chemin de la paix - The White Path of Peace

Nature cannot survive without peace. Along with the proper runes and symbols painted in pure white, I arranged the stones along the path of serenity.


Les offrandes à la nature - The Offerings to Nature

All rituals require offerings.

Les offrandes à la nature - The Offerings to Nature

Le nid d'espoir - The Nest of Hope

Le nid est accroché au noisetier - Hanging the Nest of Hope to the Hazelnut Tree

Le panier des sorts - The Basket of Spells

Le panier des sorts - The Basket of Spells