La Forêt Magique Chapitre 2 – The Magical Forest Chapter 2

La Forêt Magique - Les arbres sacrés

The Magical Forest - The Sacred Trees

La forêt magique, les arbres magiques des croyances ancestrales celtes et druidiques : l'orme le soigneur
The Elm Tree: the Healer - L'orme, le guérisseur

So the dump was gone, cleaned up and the place purified. It retrieved its ancient shine. But now the forest had to grow and prosper for the future, so with the power of belief in natural strength and potential, I started to create the protectors of the sanctuary.

Le hêtre : le gardien - The Beech Tree: the Watcher

Painted on a beech tree, one of the seven sacred trees of the Druids, the Watcher ensured to let in the woods only the animals, the wilderness and the pacific souls.

Le gardien par Laure Guymont - L'orme sacré des druides
The Beech Tree: the Watcher - Le hêtre : le gardien

Interestingly enough, when I finished the creation of the Watcher and took the picture, a natural haze appeared, captured by the camera, as if a supernatural spirit was watching already.

Nature art by Laure Guymont : painting the trees in the magical forest
L'esprit du gardien - The Watcher's Spirit

L'orme, le guérisseur - The Elm Tree: the Healer

Nature art by Laure Guymont : painting the sacred trees of the forest - druidic ritual
The Elm Tree: the Healer - L'orme, le guérisseur

A dreadful disease has decimated half of the elm trees of the woods in France for more than fifty years. The elms at the entry of the magical forest were touched. Elms incarnate wisdom and spirituality. It was my duty to attempt healing them. I thus prepared a mix of white wash, copper sulphate, oil and plants, and brushed it on the sick trunks.
Once the mixture dried, I painted the Healer whose fearful face will frighten off parasites and future attacks.

L'arbre de vie des celtes - The Celtic Tree of Life

L'art nature et animiste de Laure Guymont : l'arbre de vie au coeur de la forêt magique
L'arbre de vie celte - The Celtic Tree of Life

The Celts believed the branches and roots of trees to enliven the cycle of life. Once the proper stones selected, at the bottom of hazelnut trees, old elms, beeches, ashes and a great alder, all of them sacred, I painted the potent symbol.

Le chemin blanc de la paix - The White Path of Peace

Le chemin de la paix - The White Path of Peace

Nature cannot survive without peace. Along with the proper runes and symbols painted in pure white, I arranged the stones along the path of serenity.


Les offrandes à la nature - The Offerings to Nature

All rituals require offerings.

Les offrandes à la nature - The Offerings to Nature

Le nid d'espoir - The Nest of Hope

Le nid est accroché au noisetier - Hanging the Nest of Hope to the Hazelnut Tree

Le panier des sorts - The Basket of Spells

Le panier des sorts - The Basket of Spells

The Wizard Heart ou le cœur magicien

The Wizard Heart ou le cœur magicien

A ma Maman qui a survécu à son quintuple pontage...

Le cœur fané qui devint un cœur magicien. Wizard heart metalhead art - art metalleux
Le cœur magicien - The Wizard Heart 

Sad is the chant of the withered heart…
A worn out heart, a broken heart, whatever the cause,
Be it the curse of time or the curse of love,
Sad is the ode to the withered heart…
Hope is not all gone though, for strong will the wind of magic blow  
And once withered will proudly the Wizard Heart glow.

Triste est le chant d’un cœur fané…
Du temps usé, au fil des jours,
Les maléfices de tant d’amour,
Triste est l’ode au cœur fané…
L’espoir pourtant ne serait vain, un vent magique souffle serein,
Sur les restes vainqueurs, du cœur fané devenu Magicien.

The Wizard Heart which ivy veins bore an eternal rose. Wizard heart metalhead art - art metalleux
The Wizard Heart

Le cœur magicien ou Wizard Heart est la légende d'un cœur Phoenix, depuis lequel des veines de lierre grimpant poussèrent et engendrèrent une rose éternelle.

The Wizard Heart that takes its life from its eternal rose
La rose éternelle - The Eternal Rose


Playlist: Be'lakor "Stone's Reach" & "Vessels"

Le monde féérique de Cornouailles - The Magic of Cornwall

Cornouailles : terre de légendes et ciels magiques

Cornwall, Land of Legends and Magical Skies

Cornwall is the land of pixies, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, as well as the scenery depicted in Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes story The Hound of the Baskervilles
Cornouailles, terre de légendes - Cornwall, land of legends

Du Roi Arthur et ses chevaliers, au célèbre chien des Baskervilles, en passant par les pixies, ces petits lutins du Devon et du Dartmoor, la Cornouailles regorge de légendes. 
Ses landes à perte de vue, ses marais et ses ciels toujours en mouvement, résonnent dans l’imaginaire sans cesse renouvelé de ceux qui foulent son sol.

From King Arthur and his Knights to Arthur Conan Doyle and his famous Sherlock Holmes lost in Baskervilles' land, not forgetting the Pixies who have peopled Devon and Dartmoor since Celtic ages, Cornwall is the country of Legends. 
Its fascinating moors and marshes, its constantly changing skies appeal to the visitor’s imagination.

Uther Pendragon king of Britain lived in Tintagel Castle and fathered the famous future King Arthur
Le château de Tintagel - Tintagel Castle

Le célèbre château de Tintagel, antre du terrible Uther Pentagron « tête de Dragon » en langue celte, roi de Bretagne et père du futur roi Arthur.

Tintagel castle belonged to Uther Pendragon « Dragon’s Head » in Celtic language, king of Britain and father of King Arthur.

The moors of Cornwall inspired Sir Arthur Conand Doyle who chose it as the scenery for Sherlock Holmes' investigation in The Hound of the Baskervilles
La Cornouailles et le chien des Baskervilles - Cornwall and the Hound of the Baskervilles