Capitaine Morgan : le dernier chapitre – Captain Morgan : the last Chapter

Le naufrage – The Shipwreck 

The Making of

The ocean swallows Captain Morgan's Schooner Na Mara - Or is it the merrow taking its revenge?
Le Schooner Na Mara emporté par les eaux - Shipwreck of the Na Mara

Phase 1 : 
Positionnement des mouvements de la scène - Set the colours of the future scene

Gouache handpainting technic: set the colours that start the future scene
Le chaos originel - The Primal Chaos

Phase 2 : 
Le bateau émerge des vagues - The ship pops out

Gouache painting technics: bring major elements to life
Le bateau naquit des flots - The Ship was born from the waves

Playlist : Parasite Inc. "Time Tears Down"